Burmese Jade vs Guatemalan jade - JADE TALK Vol.1

For a long time, people have always believed that Burma is the only country in the world that produces jade, but in fact, there are several countries in the world that produce jade, including Guatemala, Japan, the United States, and others. Although there are many sources, high-quality jade is rare. 95% of the gem-grade jade in the market comes from Burma.

In 1952, people discovered jade deposits in northern Guatemala, mainly composed of jadeite, diopside, and calcium iron pyroxene. Therefore, jade produced in Guatemala, South America, is also referred to as "Guatemalan jade” (危料). 

Burmese Jade vs Guatemalan Jade

First, let's state the conclusion. Guatemalan jade is considered jadeite in gemology, just with a different origin, but its overall quality is not as good as Burmese jade, the quality of Guatemalan jade can only be considered relatively comparable to mid-to-low-grade Burmese jade.

1. Colors

The green color of Guatemalan jade is caused by the element Fe (the green color of Burmese jades caused by the element Cr) , so it tends to be grayish and dark, with many black spots. Most importantly, the color of most Guatemalan jade will become darker over time, with decreasing saturation.

2. Material and Transparency

In general, the internal structure of Guatemalan jade is relatively coarse, and its transparency is also relatively low. Generally, in order to achieve better transparency and brighter color, jade dealers will always make the jade piece very thin when they carve the Guatemalan jade.

3. Flaws and Impurities

When examining a piece of Guatemalan jade under light, one can see irregularly distributed white spots and impurities, resembling large patches of snowflakes floating in the sky. 

So, does this mean that Guatemalan jade is not worth buying? Actually, in my opinion, if you have a low budget and a trustworthy jade dealer, Guatemalan jade is a good entry-level choice. At the same price as Burmese jade, you can buy Guatemalan jade with a more intense color. There is one thing you need to pay attention to: there are many jade jewelry merchants in the market who sell Guatemalan jade as Burmese jade. Do not be deceived by them. However, if you want to buy a truly high-quality and valuable jade, Burmese jade is definitely your best choice.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this blog. English is not my first language, so there may be some inaccurate expressions and grammatical errors in the text. If you find any problems or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us at nihao@huajade.co.

Hua from Hua Jade

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