Primary Colors and Secondary Colors of Jadeite ...

Color is extremely important for gemstones, as it is their most direct and easily recognizable characteristic, and also a crucial factor in determining their value. Jadeite, being a gemstone with...

Primary Colors and Secondary Colors of Jadeite ...

Color is extremely important for gemstones, as it is their most direct and easily recognizable characteristic, and also a crucial factor in determining their value. Jadeite, being a gemstone with...

Burmese Jade vs Guatemalan jade - JADE TALK Vol.1

For a long time, people have always believed that Burma is the only country in the world that produces jade, but in fact, there are several countries in the world...

Burmese Jade vs Guatemalan jade - JADE TALK Vol.1

For a long time, people have always believed that Burma is the only country in the world that produces jade, but in fact, there are several countries in the world...